About Us

Our Mission

We aspire to: enhance, enrich, enlighten and nourish the lives of our seniors, both active and homebound.

Our Objectives

The Northeastern Senior Community Center offers a program of socialization, recreation, educational issues and health services as well as a daily nutritious meal. Through this program we hope to overcome loneliness, enhance self esteem and promote personal growth while encouraging independence along with involvement in the community. This program has become a vital link increasing the quality of life for many of our local seniors. The Center also reaches many of the shut-ins of the community through the Home-Delivered Meals program made possible by a fine staff of volunteers.

Become a Member

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Northeastern Senior Community Center, please complete the application below and deliver it to us by mail or in person.

NASSC Membership Application

Our Staff

Executive Director: Deb Davis
Assistant Director / HDM Coordinator: Melissa Adams
Activities Coordinator: Heather Barnhart Hall
Administrative Assistant: Holly Sarti

Kitchen & Activity Aides: Alicia Leiter
Daily Volunteers: Gloria Confer, Pat & Walt Haring, Barb Kuhn

Weather Closing Announcements

If it snows or ices overnight and your're wondering if the center will be open, tune to WGAL TV 8, or click on WGAL closings, or call the center after 6:00 am and listen to the answering machine. We will keep you posted on any changes or closings.